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Agency Tracking No. 2023-012 <br /> Page 4 of 8 <br /> Of 1 579.13 for services he performed as Past President's Council Chairman of O L. <br /> 10. <br /> From S eptember 2016 through Deeeinber 2 02 1,the Louisiana Department of Health leased <br /> approximately 950 square feet of office space (the "Leased Space") located at 419 Highway 165 <br /> North, Oakdale,, Louisiana 71463 (the" ubj eet Building"), from John Carruth. The Leased Space <br /> was intended to be used by the L BOE, and seared as the main office of the L BOE during that <br /> time, During the term of the lease, the L Bof paid Mr. Carruth boo per month. <br /> 11+ <br /> From January 2019 through December o 1, each of the L B of and the OAL listed 41 <br /> Highway 165 forth, Oakdale, Louisiana 71463, as their main address Upon information and <br /> belief,the o L never paid Mr. Carruth for any use of the Subject Building. <br /> 120 <br /> From January 2 019 through D eeemb er 202 1,the L B of p aid Clew for electricity services <br /> and paid the City of Oakdale for water and sewage services at the Lease Space. Upon infonmation <br /> &-id belief, the oAL never paid any utility prodders for electricity, water w-id sewage services at <br /> the Subject Building, <br /> 13. <br /> From January 2019 through December 2021, the L BoL paid Canon Solutions America <br /> and Pitney Bores for office supplies and postage. Upon information and belief, the OAL, never <br /> paid any prodders for office supplies and postage. <br /> 14.8 <br /> From January 2019 through December 2021, the L BOE paid for insurance associated <br /> with the Leased Space. Upon information and belief, the O A.L never paid for any insurance <br />